Implant Restorations

    Los Altos Cosmetic Dentist

    Dental implant restorations are a replacement for missing teeth and offer a fixed solution to the condition. They are a combination of a titanium root and a visible ceramic crown. They are very strong and offer great durability and functionality. Dr. Saumya Ram has carried out several implant surgeries in the past, which have yielded great results.

    What Are the Disadvantages of Having Missing Teeth?

    • Missing teeth take away a person’s confident smile.
    • The functionality is affected, as one cannot chew or bite as usual.
    • The remaining teeth tend to shift towards the space left by missing teeth.
    • Missing teeth cause the remaining teeth to loosen from their bone sockets. This would cause further tooth loss.
    • It would alter the facial shape and also the speech of a person.
    • It would cause an uneasy feeling in the mouth.
    Los Altos Cosmetic Dentist

    Why Are Dental Implants the Best Solution to Missing Teeth?

    • They are strong and durable.
    • They help retain the natural shape of the face and jaws.
    • They hold the adjacent teeth together and prevent further tooth loss.
    • They restore the functionality of the mouth, such as chewing, biting, etc.
    • They prevent slurry speech which would occur due to missing teeth.
    • They prevent shifting of teeth.
    • They act as a support for bridges and dentures.
    • They help restore the natural smile of a person.
    • They are long-lasting and thus a permanent solution to missing teeth.
    • They resolve issues relating to pain in the jaws and improper bite.
    • They prevent bone loss and gum recession.

    Procedure for Placing Implant Restorations

    Getting dental implants done is a complicated process and it requires multiple visits to the dentist over a period of a few months. Initially, multiple X-rays are taken to determine the exact position of the teeth and the spacing available for installing an implant. Also, the availability of the bone and the gum tissue is also taken into consideration.

    The surgery begins with the administration of local anesthesia to numb the nearby tissues. An incision is then made on the gums and a hole is drilled into the jawbone. This has to be done very precisely to prevent any change in position of the implant and damage to the jawbone. The metal post is then inserted into the drilled hole and fixed firmly in position. The wound is then allowed time to heal, during which time the bone will fuse with the post through a process called osseointegration. After a few months of healing time, the artificial teeth are then fitted to the post.

    Postsurgical Care

    Implants function exactly like natural teeth, and hence, they require the same dental care. Regular brushing and flossing are necessary to keep them plaque-free and to prevent discoloring. Periodic follow-up sessions are required to monitor them and ensure that any damage or wear is dealt with as soon as possible.


    826 Altos Oaks Dr #1,
    Los Altos, CA 94024

    Office Hours

    MON - THU7:00 am - 4:00 pm

    FRIBy appointments only

    SAT - SUNClosed